Saturday, January 12, 2013

Final Examination of Semester 2013

Dear Students

Your final examinations date sheet is as follows:

Monday February 04, 2013
Time: 08 – 10 am
Place: S-331
Special Instructions: You are not allowed to keep cellular phone during examination. Please bring your required stationary with you.
Weight-age: 30%
Marks: 60
Pattern: MCQs 25 marks, diagrams 10 marks, short questions 15 marks, long question 10 marks

Course Topics: Lysosomes, microbodies, vacuoles, overview of human genome project, cell walls of various organisms, cell cycle, cell division and its control (regulation), chromosomal aberrations and important disorders, apoptosis – programmed cell death, comparison to necrosis; introduction to cellular communications (cell signaling),
types of cellular secretions, types and significance of cellular communications, stem cells, sources and their importance, ELSI about stem cell use

Please be on time.

Good luck.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Assignment Format: Lesson Plan

You have to submit it through turnitin account.

1. Title Page: your name, roll no, course code and title, semester, assignment title
2. Lesson title
3. Level: preferably BS (your won class)
4. Duration: 1 class, two classes or more
5. Study materials: include chapter/s from books, links from internet etc
6. Lecture outline
7. PPT or transparencies for a lecture; in case of board or chart use, type in the material in a MS Word file.
8. References

Good luck.